LD 1817- An Act To Support Outdoor School for All Maine Students
2023 - 2024 Legislative Effort

2023 Legislative Language:

  • Click HERE to read the legislative language on LD 1817, “An Act to Support Outdoor Education by Establishing the Outdoor School for All Maine Students Program.”
  • This is NOT a mandate, but provides equitable opportunity for access. 
  • Language developed over years of informational interviews, listening sessions, professional lobbying efforts, networking and collaboration.

Outdoor School for All Maine Students will: 

● Create a pilot project to fund 7,000 students during the 2024 – 2025 school year. 
● Grants are provided to overnight outdoor education providers for students to attend overnight, multi-day programs
● Outdoor School providers partner with Maine schools and school districts to be eligible for grant funding
● Administered by UMaine Cooperative Extension
● Focus on equitable access, evaluation, and formation of an Outdoor School for All Advisory Committee

Deeply collaborative and broadly supported: 

○ Statewide effort across sectors, organizations, networks, and leadership. ○ Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future; UMaine; Maine Dept. of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry; Maine Dept. of Education; Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; Maine Environmental Education Association; Nature Based Education Consortium; Maine Conservation Voters; Maine Outdoor Brands; bipartisan legislators; statewide network of outdoor education centers; etc.

Want This Exciting Legislation To Pass? Help Advocate Today...

We are thrilled to get your support, ideas, and insight. 
However, please contact the MOSFA coordinator at any time about your ideas, skills, and expertise. We look forward to learning how we can best collaborate and support our combined mission and vision of providing increased opportunities for Maine youth to get high-quality, immersive, and place-based environmental education experiences.
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